Kategoria:Rolnictwo i ogrodnictwo
Kraj: Litwa
Region: Litwa
Miasto: Vilnius |
Ulica: Savanoriu ave. 159A
Telefon: +370 698 22053
Faks: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
GUMITRA UAB dostarczamy agriculturalne opony BELSHINA:
580/70R42, 520/70R38, 480/70R38, 18.4R38, 16.9R38, 15.5R38, 18.4R34, 30.5L-32, 30.5R32, 480/70R30, 18.4R30, 16.9R30, 620/75R26, 28.1R26, 28LR26, 21.3-24, 18.4-24, 420/70R24, 420/70R24, 360/70R24, 16.0-20, 13.6-20, 11.2-20, 9.0R20, 7.5-20, 16.5/70-18, 13.0/70-18, 12.4L-16, 10.00-16
Opony są certyfikatowane przez ES. Gwarancja producenta. Wzmocnione szkielety konstrukcyjne. Operatywna dostawa.
Demokratyczne taryfy montažu i balansowania[...]
Kraj: Litwa
Region: Litwa
Miasto: Wilno |
Ulica: Savanoriu pr. 48-45
Telefon: +370 601 91488
Faks: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
podcebna kapusta (biala, świeża) z certifikatomi. Ilosc- 20 t. Warunki platnosci- gotowka. Tranport wlasni. Prosze napisat cena za 1 kg (brutto)
Moj nomer komurkowi+ 370 601 91 488.
Oferta chcialby dostat do wtorku, 22 czerwca, 16 godziny.
Arturas Maculevicius[...]
Kraj: Litwa
Region: Litwa
Miasto: Alytus |
Ulica: Naujoji 50
Telefon: +370 616 16828
Faks: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Kraj: Litwa
Region: Litwa
Miasto: Siauliai |
Ulica: Elnio 10
Telefon: +370 41 200251
Faks: +370 41 418100 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
VERDETERA Ltd. - the biggest biohumus (vermicompost) producer and earthworm farmer in Lithuania. Production: soil mixes biohumus basis for cucumbers / flowers / tomatoes and bell peppers. Liquid humic fertilizer (biohumus concentrated extract) for flowers / vegetables / lawn / all plants.[...]
Kraj: Litwa
Region: Litwa
Miasto: Utena |
Ulica: Narkunai
Telefon: +370 698 43653
Faks: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
AB “Umega” is a company of two in 2004 amalgamated Lithuanian industry leaders AB “Utenos elektrotechnika” and AB “Umega”. Company was established in1960 in Utena. Here'reSNOL department and Agricultural machinery department.
SNOL department design and produce laboratory and industrial electric furnaces, gas furnaces, high - temperature thermoinsulation material, electric hand dryers, shelving systems and metal furniture.
The company is familiar with metal cutting, bending, turnery,[...]
Kraj: Litwa
Region: Litwa
Miasto: Telsiai |
Ulica: Sedos 35
Telefon: +370 6161 3227
Faks: +370 444 22257 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
SC “Žemaitijos pienas” was founded in 1924 and is among the leading-edge dairy
companies in Lithuania and the Baltic States. In order to meet the needs of consumers, SC “Žemaitijos pienas” focuses on product quality and puts special emphasis on making sure that they are healthy, natural and without chemical additives.
SC “Žemaitijos pienas” is a modern company with profitable daughter companies
SC “Klaipëdos pienas” and SC “Šilutës Rambynas” and owns 270 milk collection[...]