Category:Machines & Tools -> Automatics
Country:All countries
Country: Poland
Region: Sub-Carpathia
City: Rzeszów |
Street: Kosynierów 15
Phone: +48 17 8525575
Fax: +48 17 8501957 |
Firm Rank: |
 Dear Sirs!
You have thought many times how to reduce your internal costs.
Yet not so far ago we did not realize the scale of the procurement costs incurred by a company. Such costs include searching of a procuct and a supplier, selection of an offer, ordering process, putting into a warehouse, accounting service and time wasted for all these activities, which is particularly precious in case of failures.
We invite you to cooperation in the scope of technical information, selection and[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Taneczna 82
Phone: +48 22 322 86 65
Fax: +48 22 322 86 66 |
Firm Rank: |
 KAESER Kompressoren offers products, services and complete systems for the generation, treatment and delivery of energy in the form of compressed air. The system solutions aim at optimal economy and efficiency.
The innovative products and services of outstanding quality provided by KAESER assist the compressed air user in strengthening competitive capability. Continuous dialogue with customers is an essential part of concept development and continuous improvement in the total economy, efficiency,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Wieliczka |
Street: Grottgera 30
Phone: +48 012 288 99 00
Fax: +48 12 288 99 11 |
Firm Rank: |
 If you are a user of gearmotors, gear reducers, or mechanical power transmission, you will appreciate the unique design features of NORD products.
But NORD Gear is about more than just the product. It is also about the combination of people and technology providing industry leading service. Our expanding assembly facilities and world-wide computer network combine to provide you with quick and accurate deliveries. Do you need your product in two days, next day, or even same day? If we have it,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Chłopickiego 50
Phone: +48 22 5169340
Fax: +48 22 6730895 |
Firm Rank: |
 The KSB Group is one of the leading producers of pumps, valves and related systems. Annual turnover is about 1300 million euro.
Around 13,000 employees around the world work for maximum customer satisfaction in building services, industry and water utilities, the energy sector and mining. KSB is increasingly a service partner and provides complete hydraulic systems for water supply and drainage.
Global products, global quality
KSB has more than 30 manufacturing sites in 19 countries. At each[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Raszyn |
Street: Mszczonowska 7
Phone: +48 22 7114100
Fax: +48 22 7114102 |
Firm Rank: |
 Customer service: World-wide in 186 countries
Business area:
Automation with pneumatic and electric components and systems.
Basic and vocational training in industrial automation
Number of catalogue products:
About 23,000 in several hundred thousand variants
Main product groups:
* Drives and drive accessories
* Handling and vacuum technology
* Positioning
* Valves and valve accessories
* Proportional technology
* Compressed-air preparation
* Tubing,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Sub-Carpathia
City: Rzeszów |
Street: E.Kwiatkowskiego 1
Phone: +48 017 8502810
Fax: +48 017 8502811do12 |
Firm Rank: |
 Kompletacja dostaw automatyki produkcji: Sels, Selet, Sensopart, Balluff, Omron, Fiama, Aeco, Seeka Takex, Wenglor, ABB, Lenze, Ifm, Siemens, Leuze, Lenze,Telco, Turck, Sick, NAIS, Festo, Pneumax, Koganei, SMC, Numatics, Norgren, Legris, innych. Oferujemy kompleksową obsługę firm w zakresie doboru i dostaw różnego typu części zamiennych.
SPRAWDŹ: www.bdt.eu
Czujniki, falowniki, przekaźniki, łańcuchy kablowe, elementy pneumatyki, elementy wizualizacji, hydraulika siłowa, łożyska,uszczelniacze,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Ząbki |
Street: Wrzosowa 22
Phone: +48 22 7420446
Fax: +48 22 6519278 |
Firm Rank: |
 Firma PDAIR zajmuje się kompleksową obsługą instalacji sprężonego powietrza. Zaopatrujemy naszych klientów w nowe maszyny i urządzenia takie jak sprężarki, osuszacze, filtry, zawory i inne podzespoły instalacji sprężonego powietrza oraz układy do obróbki kondensatu.
Nasza firma powstała w maju 2000 r. na bazie doświadczeń zdobytych podczas ośmiu lat pracy przy sprzedaży, obsłudze i zaopatrywaniu w części zamienne sprężarek produkcji INGERSOLL-RAND.
Pozwala nam to zaoferować[...]